Expanding minds with audiovisual seminars
We provide transformative extra-curricular experiences with industry experts that enhance contemporary critical and creative thinking.

Atticus Education
Working with a variety of learners from around the world, David Puttnam, and the team at Atticus Education, design and deliver online programmes that encourage creative thinking, interdisciplinarity, and resilience using innovative learning techniques.
Each programme of seminars is tailored to suit the needs of the participants whether they are in full-time education or already engaged in active professional life.
Delivered seminars
Students attended
Years in interactive education

Meet Our CEO
David Puttnam brings his experience as an independent film-producer and long-time industry policy maker to each seminar, which allows Atticus Education to be uniquely placed in bridging the gap between industry and education, and to understand every aspect of what a filmmaker needs to achieve their goals.
In true interdisciplinary spirit, David’s twenty four years as a member of the House of Lords, working on climate change legislation and probing the ethical implications of successive new technologies, also informs all his teaching.
Who we work with
We currently provide personalised courses and mentorships for schools, universities, national screen agencies, governments, creative collectives and corporations.
What people we work with Say About Us