Creative Producing Master Class with Atticus & eQuinoxe — Apply Now


Services We Provide

New Ideas for Young People

Using the medium of film, our extracurricular programmes for young people introduce 16–19-year-olds to indispensable ideas and skills, from ethics and identity, to creativity, resilience and team-work. Students are usually hand-picked by their schools to participate in these seminars, which take place in small group sessions. This provides students with a secure, trusted environment in which to converse directly with David, and ultimately helps build self-confidence.

Student ‘Scholars’ Programmes

These seminars are designed for third-level students as a complement to ongoing studies. Participants are encouraged to think more critically about what they hope to achieve and their place in shaping the future. Small and large groups are catered for, and programmes sometimes include a practical element (such as making a short film). Seminars can happen totally online, or in an interactive classroom where students are joined by David Puttnam via web link.

Continued Professional Development

These seminars cater to mid-career professionals hoping to gain new skills, focus on their career trajectory, or reevaluate what they want to achieve professionally. Usually, these seminars are designed for smaller group settings and take place over three to six weeks (or a ‘season’). Seminars take place 100% online to allow for regional diversity and a broad spectrum of participants.

Stand-Alone Masterclasses

Once-off seminars that handle a specific subject or theme, or meet a particular need.


We help to develop an array of skills

Participants on our seminars have the opportunity to develop an array of new skills

Critical thinking
Problem solving
Creative leadership
Open mindedness
Emotional inteligence

Themes and ideas we cover

We craft each seminar around engaging themes that spur critical thinking. From media literacy to sustainability to the power of storytelling.

Builders and Brokers

This seminar will examine how a filmmaker builds a project from the ground up by brokering deals, negotiating contracts, and working with various partners across the industry.

Music and meaning

How do you know what you want your film to sound like?

Fact or Fiction

This seminar will consider the fine line that exists between facts and their interpretation – can a film ever be truly objective? How can a real-life event be converted into an ‘entertainment property’?

Interpreting the Future

David looks at recent changes in the distribution of content across all platforms. The possibility for filmmakers to address ever wider areas of subject matter to an ever-more accessible international audiences.

Creative Resilience

David discusses the importance of becoming ‘creatively resilient’ as an artist and as a filmmaker, and how best to cultivate ideas and innovation.

Movies, and Their Impact on Society

This seminar focuses on contemporary cultural influences. David argues that cinema is, in itself, important - that a level of social responsibility has always attached itself to any filmmaker driven by a desire to contribute to a more socially aware society.

The Power of On-Screen Identity

The seminar starts with an exploration of 'the self' and discusses the multiplicity of influences that lie behind the making of any film.


Our case studies

Dive into our collection of case studies to witness the transformative power of Atticus Education's bespoke seminars and programs.

Case Study

TY Programme: ‘Screen Careers for Transition-Year Students’

The first programme of its kind in Ireland, it brought together students from across Ireland’s southwest and culminated with a special in-person networking event with industry professionals.

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Case Study

Screen Ireland / NI Screen
Puttnam Scholars
Summer School

In an industry ripe with talent yet challenged by limited guidance and collaboration, the innovative programme developed by Atticus in partnership with Screen Ireland and Northern Ireland Screen offers mid-career filmmakers a transformative opportunity.

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Case details

Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia – ‘The Puttnam Programme’

Griffith University has the unique position of being the first – and therefore longest running – of all our cherished relationships.

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Case details

University College Cork (UCC), Cork, Ireland – ‘The Puttnam Scholarship Programme’

Now in its fifth year, the Puttnam Scholars programme at UCC brings students together in a small-group with Lord Puttnam.

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Guest contributors

Our seminars feature contributions from acclaimed experts across diverse fields who lend their real-world knowledge. Their specialised insights broaden perspectives and provide students with applicable skills.


Frequently asked questions

We've curated answers to common questions right here. If you have additional queries or thoughts, please reach out to us directly. We're eager to assist and hear from you.

How do you choose your contributors?

We work closely with each institution to curate a roster of contributors that meets their needs. This often includes featuring alumni and subject-matter experts suggested by our partners, providing a chance for their community to share invaluable insights with students.

What makes your seminars unique?

We take an inspiring, interdisciplinary approach tailored to each institution’s interests and goals. Our seminars foster critical reflection and empower students to think boldly about the future. Led by top experts like Lord David Puttnam, our programs provide one-of-a-kind online learning experiences.

What results can we expect from your seminars?

Students gain critical thinking, creativity, resilience, and other skills essential for the future. Our seminars help to unlock their potential and provide real-world insights applicable to any career.

What subject areas do you cover?

We explore thought-provoking themes from ethics and technology to media literacy, sustainability, and more. Our customized programs are designed to resonate across disciplines and career paths.

Who are your seminars designed for?

We offer tailored seminars for universities, high schools, professionals, screen agencies, film institutes, and lifelong learners. Programs are developed based on the specific audience and goals.

How do your online seminars work?

Our interactive seminars are delivered via live video sessions and Webex video platform. Students can participate from anywhere with their personal device and an internet connection.

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